While chatting with him, I surfed the internet to read more about OX.
and it says:
What kind of name is OX? No, not like the animal... OX, as in HUG and KISS! How can he hug you with such short arms? OX uses his ears! He's not a very good listener, but he puts his ears to good use in many other ways! Tuck them in your shirt and take OX on a stroll. OX is great at magic, and his best trick is turning your stuff into his stuff. His best buddy Wedgehead calls that stealing, but OX just wants to borrow things from you for a few hundred years. He promises to put everything back when he's done. What he wants to steal the most is your heart, and he promises to be your friend if you would lend him a hand, or an ear...or like two dollars!
Awww I really love the words.. So sweet... ^_^
Though Richard (my officemate) is always teasing on me coz I always hold OX even while I'm working. I don't know what's wrong with him.. Is that wrong if you hold a plushy while you're working in the office? LoL
3 Kata orang tentang ini:
Hi! I love Uglydolls too.. I got my collections at The Other Culture floor 6 at FX Lifestyle Center, Senayan (021) 2555-4229.. They are the distributor here in Jakarta and offer membership too for all designer toys! Check them out. I hope this helps..
Hi bee,
Glad to hear that Indonesia has a distributor for Ugly Dolls too.
I'll drop by when I'm in Jakarta :)
thx for the info! ^_^
Hi, i just got their newsletter. Ada official launch for Uglydolls Oct 23-25. Join facebook nya aja for more info. katanya ada discount just for those period.. hehehe :) Search for Plastic Culture by TOC.
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